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Competition 101: CICALS-LGU

/ Competition 101: CICALS-LGU

The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC), through its Legislative Liaison Office (LLO), in partnership with the Office of the City Mayor Hon. Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto as well as the Pasig City Investments Center and Negosyo Center, will be conducting its third 

Capacity Improvement on Competition Advocacy for Legislative Staff (CICALS)

 on 11 December 2020 at 1:00 PM for the benefit of policymakers, consumers, and businesses of Pasig City.

The CICALS  is a webinar series on the basics of competition law and policy, benefits and applications of the competition law on businesses, and the powers and functions of the PCC.

As a regular advocacy initiative of the PCC-LLO, CICALS is geared towards achieving the Commission’s strategic objective of reviewing potentially anti-competitive legislation and policies that may substantially prevent, restrict, or lessen competition in the market. This cycle with the City Government of Pasig is the first of the CICALS series specifically designed for the benefit of local government units (LGUs).

The CICALS LGU-Pasig aims to:

  • Promote the value of pro-competitive local legislation and policies in protecting Pasigueño consumers and stakeholders;
  • Introduce the benefits of competition to MSMEs and promote fair competition within the business sector;
  • Develop competition champions in the local government;
  • Craft and issue a competition code/ordinance of the local government.

The webinar will start at 1:00 PM. For further inquiries, kindly e-mailĀ  legis@phcc.gov.ph.



Opening Remarks

 Arsenio M. Balisacan, PhD
Chairperson, Philippine Competition Commission

Keynote Address

Dr. Arsenio M. Balisacan
Chairperson, Philippine Competition Commission

The Philippine Competition Act and the Philippine Competition Commission

 Atty. Emerson B. Aquende
Commissioner, Philippine Competition Commission

Benefits of Competition

 Atty. Johannes R. Bernabe
Commissioner, Philippine Competition Commission

Competition Assessment for Local Legislation

Roberto Martin Nolan Galang, PhD
Senior Private Sector Specialist for Microeconomics,   Trade   and Investment, International Finance   Corporation, World Bank Group

Fostering Competition through Local Legislation

Atty. Ruben Maximiano
Senior Competition Expert, Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development



Closing Remarks

Atty. Faye Condez-de Sagon, MNSA
Legislative Liaison Office, Philippine Competition Commission

Roundtable Discussion

Executive session for Pasig City Officials, and key stakeholders; to be joined by the entire Commission, OECD, and WBG representatives

For more information, you may download our publications below.