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PCC COVID-19 Resources

/ PCC COVID-19 Resources

In recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted our economy, our businesses, and most importantly, our way of living. In the midst of this health crisis, the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) stands ready to respond to queries or look into allegations of potential anti-competitive practices especially involving basic goods and services, medical supplies, personal protective equipment, and other commodities that are central to Filipinos’ lives at present. We are highly conscious that the pandemic drastically affected how businesses operate in the market. Accordingly, we adjusted our priorities to be responsive to the needs of both consumers and businesses.

Our commitment remains to be to protect the public, to the greatest extent possible, from unscrupulous entities that may exploit the situation.

These are unprecedented times and we want to reach out and let the public know how we can help each other in dealing with and recovering from this crisis.

Fair market competition and consumer welfare remain at the forefront of the PCC’s advocacies.

Competition prompts businesses to offer cheaper and better products and services, thereby giving consumers more choices. Competition law exists to make sure that businesses do not limit competition to the detriment of consumers.

For more information on the benefits of competition law, you may refer to:

Primer on the Philippine Competition ActHandbook for the General Public: How the PCA Affects Consumers

We will not tolerate commercial practices that use COVID-19 as an opportunity to harm competition and the Filipino consumers in violation of the Philippine Competition Act (PCA).

Aside from working on our ongoing investigations, we are constantly monitoring the situation and have accordingly adjusted our strategies to remedy, as soon as possible, any anti-competitive behavior, 

especially involving goods and services essential in combating the COVID-19 crisis.

For more information on the anti-competitive conduct that may be subject of competition enforcement, please refer to:

Handbook for the General Public: How the PCA Affects ConsumersGuide for Businesses – Why Competition is Good for your BusinessBid rigging is against the law!

To learn more about competition law, you may also check the following:

Introduction to Competition LawAnti-competitive AgreementsInfographicsFAQs

If you suspect that any business, company, or organization is behaving in an anti-competitive manner, and such conduct may constitute a possible violation of the PCA, the best course of action is to 

report it 

immediately to the PCC.

The PCC will continue to update this resource page to answer common questions that stakeholders may have with respect to competition enforcement during the crisis.

In addition, we have compiled the links below to guide the public on the work that we do, as well as our strategic priorities: